Friday, June 20, 2008

tails of a pedophile killer---one of johnie's tattoos
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Tuesday, June 17, 2008


tails of a pedophile killer-----the dvd's are shot and in the process of production.there will be new footage on youtube tonite with the speacial $5oo.oo prize offer for finding the trophy taken from one of the 3rd murder victim.

Friday, June 6, 2008

tails of a pedophile killer----!Our wonderful,very underrated new friends at ooowebhost,you can now access everything of real importance at I am just now putting it together but if you want to start doing what ever then feel free.I'm going there right now so i can make pretty things for you guys to look at.Cya there.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

tales of a pedophile killer

tails of a pedophile killer-----Over the next week we will be posting stuff on digg and maybe a few other places.I'm not posting everything here because of my limitations on video and such.You can find my post by searching tales of a pedophile killer.later tonite I SHOULD HAVE MORE VIDEO ON YOU TUBE PLUS I SHOULD HAVE A COMPLETE MOVIE ON MAGIX ONLINE ALBUM BEFOR THE TOMARROW,SO KEEP AN EYE OUT.

Monday, May 26, 2008

tales of a pedophile killer

tails of a pedophile killer---You can sign on to youtube,search "Tails of a pedophile killer".there you will find the first video with some info on it,enough to get you started.There will be plenty more video to come.We will be starting live video chat and audio broadcast next week.More on that as we make progress.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

tails of a pedophile killer--------------------------------------------------------------------------------first things first.We'll we will discuss 1,why do we need judges?2,how do the judges get paid?and3,what dose a judge do?The judges will be hand picked by me,"The Piolet",and an email acct.set up for them to receive evidence notifications from the,"Players".The judges must sort out the riff raff theories from the viable.(ATTN! everyone.I will not read a forwarded email.I will not read evidence emails.And i have nothing to do with the finale verdicts that the judges pass.My job is to connect everyone and keep everything running smooth.Outside of the verdicts,and rules mandated by law,WHAT I SAY GOES.I HAVE POWER TO DISMISS YOU FROM THE GAME.DO NOT PLAY COP.THIS IS A GAME AND YOU MUST NOT BREAK THE LAW.DOING SO WILL MEAN INSTANT EXPULSION,"FOREVER".)The judges will post up to reports that players can view so that evidence can be shared by the players and yes,you can team up.if you and another player can make 2+2,then have at.Now,if and when the judges have heard whatever it is that will make them suddenly take notice of an evidence email like maybe someone comes up with something that is really juicy like names or places.Ooh,i can't wait!If the judges email me what they think is,how should i say this?.Um,how about accurate or specific information?Yeah,that works for me.If i deem it necessary i will call for a must attend conference of the judges and myself.If it is a good day,they may even have Johnie there to give them the full scale of things involved in the game.The things only they will know.Stuff like that.Anyway lets say a player solves the case,MUST BE A UNANIMOUS DECISION BY ALL THE JUDGES,the reward will be paid out to the player but only after 20% has been deducted.That 20% is what the judges get,+ the recognition of judging what is now the most interactive game ever devised yeah right.Now,the bounty or reward will always be there and it will keep growing.WE DON'T WANT A DIME OF YOUR MONEY,EVERERERERERERRRRRR!!! All though we welcome any investor or entrepreneur who wants in.YOU are the people I want to talk to.Contact me at subject of email should read "I'm interested in the game".Everything else will be discarded. (PLUS,WE MAY NEED A LAWYER BEFORE TO LONG,SO IF YOU KNOW ANYBODY.............THOSE OF YOU WHO WOULD LIKE TO REACH CONCERNING LEGAL MATTERS CAN CONTACT ME AT Subject of email should read Your game,my Law"Those of you who would like to be judges can contact me at ---Subject of email should be "Judging Panel".Anything else will be discarded. No one will be denied an appointment to the judges panel based on race,religion,creed or background or anything that defines you as a person.I will make me decision on who gets a spot basically on who the hell I deem the best suited.Or who I LIKE BEST if you want the truth of it.So make your request for an appointment to the panel honest yet appealing,strong yet not demanding.Just make me like you more is all.(I WILL NOT TAKE BRIBES OR PAYMENT FOR AN APPOINTMENT AND OFFERING SUCH WILL GUARANTEE YOU WILL NEVER JUDGE OR PLAY THE GAME.GOT IT?GOOD.But I do like gifts and will take whatever you wanna send me,except bombs and stuff.You know the drill.I'm putting together a website(IE you can go there now to view what little I have put up so can leave comments for other viewers as well as your own investigation results so all players can share and compare,of which I would recommend,unless your a very good investigator and your greedy.Whatever,i don't care.Now for the players.Your job?Collect the evidence it would take to convict Johnie of murder or,prove that his whole storey is a flam.Mail your findings to This is the only place you can produce your evidence to the judges.Theories,suspicions and questions can be posted at -----Subject of email should read "I Wanna Play.IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SHARE YOUR EVIDENCE THEN DON'T POST IT.WE DO NOT HOLD ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOU BEING JUST PLAIN STUPID AND WE WILL NOT COME TO YOUR RESCUE FOR ANY REASON.Well there you go.Figure out what you want to do and start your email to sign up.Rules,peramiters and detales will be sent to every applicant via email after signing up.Good luck.
tails of a pedophile killer